Today's topic is:
عـجبت لضاحك ملء فيه ولا يدري ارضى الله ام اسخطه
منسس وه شخص ثثر تعجب تهائي ؛ كه جه منهـ ثثهارٌي نسس زور زور سي هنسسس ؛
دراطط حال كه يه جانتو نتهي كه سوطط يه خدا نسس خوش كيدا يا اهنسس ناراض كيدا!ـ
I am astonished by he who laughs aloud, not knowing whether he has pleased Allah Ta'ala
or made Him unhappy.
Khardal is a word game inspired by the New York Times' Wordle, created to improve Lisan al Dawat vocabulary
Guess words in LSD to find the correct answer
Green indicates a correct letter in the correct space
Yellow indicates a correct letter in the wrong position
Grey indicates an incorrect letter
Feel free to use the hint button if you're stuck. Be careful though, you lose two points for each hint
!Happy guessing